Have you ever been to Akihabara? It is one of the most famous tourist spots in Tokyo, in which you can find zillion kind of electronic goods, any brand (u name it) and at any price...Its kind of Glodok in Jakarta, electronic center...If you have a chance to visit Japan, dont miss this place..! Aside from being famous for electronic goods mecca, Akihabara is also famously known as the Japanese anime center....In every corner you can find stores selling costumes for cosplays (I read in some news that cosplay nowadays is very famous among teenagers in Indonesia), manga (Japanese comic books-ordinary manga or hentai-not so `ordinary` one, hehe), comic figures, and Akihabara is also a nice place to hang out with your friends to just looking around people with great costumes and some girls promoting `Maid Cafes (coffee shop which all the shopgirls wear French maid-style uniforms--strange though, but I still dont understand, why maid becomes the theme of most cafes there...)
On 2005, Akihabara became more famous, thanks to the Japanese dorama titled `Densha Otoko`, in which it told a nerdy guy--in Japan its called Otaku, an anime freak who loves to visit Akihabara with his friends, otakus...:) One day, he met a beautiful girl in the train, and saved her from a pervert...They became friends, and later on, couple....What so funny bout the story is that, he is soooo nerdy and never
dated a girl before, and suddenly he fell in love w
ith this beautiful girl who was soo beyond his wildest imagination, rich--she was nicknamed Hermes, stunningly beautiful, and very kind, and what made this dorama enjoyable was that his efforts to show how much he really liked her without looking so nerdy and nervous all the time....So, in order to overcome his nervousness, he asked advises from his online friends through an MIRC look a like chatting forum...! And thanks to his Internet friends support, who always with him every step of the way, he finally could win Hermes..;)! The story line was original (coz its based on True Story in Japan), I laughed a lot (until it hurt), soo refreshing and so, so funny!

So, today I went to Akihabara with my hubby, before I never noticed these otakus, but now, when I came to Yodobashi Akiba, I spotted few of them, the otakus-shirts tucked in, high pants, always carry big backpack and one more thing...the most hilllarious one...carry a paper bag containing stuffs from their most lovable animes!!
Cant wait to have another adventure in Akihabara, thx to the Densha Otoko...;)!
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