1. I had to rush to the office because I was kind of forget that I had a lesson today with my private nihon go teacher, Akiko-sensei
2. Well, since today is the first day after a long weekend (because of Independence Day`s holiday on 17 August), I was so lazy to get up early in the morning..
3. As soon as I took Route 1 (the longest route in Japan that I have to go through every morning to my office), there has already a rassha--rush hour--bad traffic jam in front of Nishi Magome eki...damn...It took me almost 45 minutes to the office from the usual time of 30 minutes...
4. The cause of this bad traffic was that, Japanese people just finished their obon holiday--I`ll explain later bout this kind of holiday--so, everyone goes back to the office!
5. After finishing my lesson, I`ve got so many reply sheet for the Diplomatic Reception on 5 Sept 2007--I`ll explain it later too--aside from that, my boss asked me to do this, that, finish it today, that I can barely breath! Not to mention that I got many phone calls asking bout the invitation of that particular reception....with nihon go, sometimes I could not understand what theyre trying to say, so I have to ask them to speak slower...yukkuri hanashite moraemasen ka? Or, if I was desperate, I connected them with Yamamoto san, the local staff in Politic section (my section, later I`ll explain bout it).
5. The most important thing....the AC in my room was not working that well...! U know with 33 degrees outside...its burning! Gosh....really hate summer at this point...I hate my boss for not letting us to put another AC split in my room (he said that it wil ruin the `beauty` of the room...goddd!)
Lunchtime was coming! I called my friends, no one`s there...So, I thought I just go to the nearest convenient store (AM PM), and grab some onigiri...Ok, then...!
So, I went outside, wearing my sunglasses, n walked to the AM PM...But, wait..., suddenly I felt like I want to eat tempura at Atre Meguro (a shopping mall in Meguro Station)...I walked fast while imagining the yummy taste of my tempura...mmm.....
When I arrived there...wait....why the Soup Stock Tokyo, located in front of Atre Meguro was closed? Why those signs were shut out??? Omg....it turned out that today....out of the other day, Atre Meguro was closed....!! Damnn! Why God, whhhyyy...??!!
I was b
eginning to get burn, standing there in front of Atre, cursing myself (and Atre) of how dare was I decided to go all the way up to here in a hot summer day....! But not for long, I spotted that the kaiten sushi in front of Atre was not that crowded...So, I ran to kait
en sushi, and finally....ate 6 plates of my favorite sushi....hotate, chu toro, onion salmon, yaki salmon....mmm....It turned out that it was so refreshing eating sushi in the middle of the day....
So, I recommend you, kaiten sushi is the best way to ease yourself from the hot sunny day...:)
3. As soon as I took Route 1 (the longest route in Japan that I have to go through every morning to my office), there has already a rassha--rush hour--bad traffic jam in front of Nishi Magome eki...damn...It took me almost 45 minutes to the office from the usual time of 30 minutes...
4. The cause of this bad traffic was that, Japanese people just finished their obon holiday--I`ll explain later bout this kind of holiday--so, everyone goes back to the office!
5. After finishing my lesson, I`ve got so many reply sheet for the Diplomatic Reception on 5 Sept 2007--I`ll explain it later too--aside from that, my boss asked me to do this, that, finish it today, that I can barely breath! Not to mention that I got many phone calls asking bout the invitation of that particular reception....with nihon go, sometimes I could not understand what theyre trying to say, so I have to ask them to speak slower...yukkuri hanashite moraemasen ka? Or, if I was desperate, I connected them with Yamamoto san, the local staff in Politic section (my section, later I`ll explain bout it).
5. The most important thing....the AC in my room was not working that well...! U know with 33 degrees outside...its burning! Gosh....really hate summer at this point...I hate my boss for not letting us to put another AC split in my room (he said that it wil ruin the `beauty` of the room...goddd!)
Lunchtime was coming! I called my friends, no one`s there...So, I thought I just go to the nearest convenient store (AM PM), and grab some onigiri...Ok, then...!
So, I went outside, wearing my sunglasses, n walked to the AM PM...But, wait..., suddenly I felt like I want to eat tempura at Atre Meguro (a shopping mall in Meguro Station)...I walked fast while imagining the yummy taste of my tempura...mmm.....
When I arrived there...wait....why the Soup Stock Tokyo, located in front of Atre Meguro was closed? Why those signs were shut out??? Omg....it turned out that today....out of the other day, Atre Meguro was closed....!! Damnn! Why God, whhhyyy...??!!
I was b

So, I recommend you, kaiten sushi is the best way to ease yourself from the hot sunny day...:)
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