Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Akemashite Omedetou Gozaimasuuu...! Happy New Year 2008!

Happy New Year 2008!!!

May this year brings lots and lots of happiness to us all!

Tahun ini gue n temen2 (of course plus hubby) celebrated the NY`s Eve at Zoujoji Temple near Tokyo Tower...! Tanoshikattan desu....We met at Gotanda station coz my friends just finished their NY`s Eve party at Wisma Duta with my ambassador and other embassy`s staffs...Apparently, si babe gak jadi pergi ke luar negeri to spend NY`s Eve, so si babe urged (or forced?) everyone to make a NY`s Eve Celebration party.....which everyone protested (well, at least We, the krocos, protested it, coz it meant we have to.....work hard to make it a successful event!). Not to mention, kita2 kan juga mo malem taun baru-an gitu loooh....hehehe....thank God gue lagi cuti, so, gue gak ada obligation untuk nongol di Wisma....hihihi!

So, gue, hubby, Diaz, Ratih, Mbak Tika and Yudho met at Gotanda Sta., and off we went to Zoujoji Temple...! As you know, NY`s Eve in Japan is never celebrated with fireworks. Instead the Japanese people go to temples, and at the stroke of midnight, they pray in the temple. There is no exception for Zoujoji Temple...Jadi, pada malem itu, pelataran Zoujoji dipenuhi oleh deretan food stalls which sell Japanese dishes, dan ada panggung kecil, dimana ada gong yg akan dibunyikan 108 kali oleh ketua pendeta Zoujoji Temple. Gue gak ngerti maksudnya bunyiin gong 108 kali itu apa yah...

but anyway, kalo di Zoujoji Temple, sebenernya kita bisa antri buat dapet balon dari jam 8 malem, dan pas antri, kita bisa tulis wish kita (NYs resolutions nya) apa, dan nanti wish kita didoain sama pendeta n ditaro di dalem balon....At the stroke of midnight, kita lepasin semua balon2 itu, and wish that our dreams will come true this year...

Tp berhubung its winter time, ogah deh gue ngantri jam 8 malem, dingin2, n abis gitu nungguin sampe taun baruan...hi...males bgt, hehhehe! Yang ada, pas pergantian taun, kita cuma bisa ngeliatin orang2 ngelepas balon2nya, hahahha!

After the NYs eve, kita langsung cbt, n otw home, sambil nunggu kereta sepi, kita makan2 dulu, n went home to save some energy for going after fukubukuro the next day!

Happy New Year....!

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