Wednesday, January 2, 2008

New Year`s Resolution

Its 2008

Another year to be spent in Japan....Kalo diitung2, gue udah 4 taun spent NY`s Eve di Jepang...hmmm....gak kerasa yah....!

However, gue gak pernah bikin NY`s, I think I might be making some wishes for this remind me for what I have not done, and for what I want to accomplish...

My New Year`s Resolutions:

1. To love and to take care of my hubby much much more
2. To care bout my family much much more
3. To go on with the baby program
4. To learn about Japan (and its politics) much much more
5. To seriously work for my country
6. To study harder for the preparation for taking Ph.D after the posting
7. To stop my bad habit (excessive shopping, bad mood)
8. To improve myself in any aspects
9. To enjoy Japan much much more (develop my photography skill, watch Japanese drama and music, learn Japanese culture, go around Tokyo in weekends and discover many aspects of Tokyo that I love)
10. To study Japanese much much much more (motto motto benkyou suru yoooo!)

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